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My ideal job英语作文(热门11篇)

发布于 2024-06-17 03:55:22 阅读(3)

My ideal job英语作文 第1篇

Dream can make me very happy, dream can change my life, let my life become happier, more interesting. Everyone has their own dream, my dream is: to be a teacher.

My dream is to be a teacher, because my uncle is a teacher. Once, my uncle asked me to go to his school to listen to his lectures. I listened to the first sentence I said: _Hello students, I am a class teacher, today I have to give you a math class, please support._ Uncle he found two people talking, he did not hit them, he reminded them a few words, told them not to talk, listen carefully. Uncle talked about a few topics, asked the students to try to do a few questions to see, later, I just know that the teacher taught the students to do the method, if the students learn the method, this question naturally will be done. Later, my uncle said to me, _If you ever become a teacher, you will know how hard it is to be a teacher._

So I have always had a dream, that is, to be a teacher, to taste the pain of being a teacher. Hopefully by then, my dream will be a perfect success. By then, I will be a success.




My ideal job英语作文 第2篇

My dream is like the stars in the sky, there are many, many, one of the most shining, that is to be a teacher.

Whenever I see the teacher teaching on the blackboard, I think how amazing the teacher is. I did not understand the place, after class to ask the teacher, the teacher patiently told me to listen. I think teachers are how great ah!

If I were a teacher, I would pass on all my knowledge and wisdom to the next generation. If I were a teacher, I would try my best to teach my students well and make contributions to my dear motherland. If I were a teacher, I would not be a stiff teacher, I would not let the students memorize. After class I will jump rope with the students, play games, let the students think that I am their big sister, let them think that learning is a happy thing.

I understand that only by forming good habits and studying hard from childhood can we become pillars of our country when we grow up.

The dream of life has only a starting point and no end. The road is bumpy and the life is long, and I will never stop pursuing my dreams.






My ideal job英语作文 第3篇

There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest.

As for me, i have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, i want to teach because i like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. secondly, i want to teach because i like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And i can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, i want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, i will grow and change with them too.

But teaching is no easy job at must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, i will make every effort to purify my soul so that i can become an architect of man's soul.

My ideal job英语作文 第4篇

I have always wanted to be a dance teacher since I was young, dancing with cute children to the sound of music.

I want to be a dance teacher for three reasons:

First, when I was in kindergarten, I was infatuated with a male star from the mainland. He also liked dancing very much when he was young, so I also liked dancing.

Secondly, I can dance with many innocent and lovely children in the beautiful and melodious music, so I like dancing.

Thirdly, I am very interested in dancing. Once I start dancing, I will throw all my troubles behind me and feel like a little butterfly living carefree in nature.

So in order to make this dream come true in the future, I asked my mother to enroll me in a dance class, and I cherish my time in class every time. Once, the teacher asked us to climb a frog. At that time, I was still not standardized enough, and the teacher stood on me. At that time, I cried out in pain, but finally, I was able to complete this action. After that, in order not to step back, I made my mother stand on me every day. Another time, when I couldnt lower myself anymore, my teacher asked me to practice alone. After practicing many times, I fell down every time. After a week, I finally lowered myself smoothly without my teachers help. In the past few years of learning dance, I have suffered a lot and also suffered a lot of injuries, but I will not complain about it. Because I like dancing, I asked my mother to enroll in the dance class for me at the beginning, and I chose this path myself. I will not give up easily, and I will definitely persevere in the end. Kung Fu pays off to those who care. After so many years of hard work, I have become the first in the dance class, the monitor of the dance class, and the teachers assistant.

I like dancing, and I must be an excellent dance teacher in the future.








My ideal job英语作文 第5篇

I have an ideal, which is to become a primary school teacher. Because teachers work is hard, they are like gardeners, nurturing the flowers of our country and growing vigorously. I remember a saying: Teachers are engineers of the human soul. Yes! I want to become an engineer and teach children to be idealistic and moral successors to communism.

If I were a new teacher, the principal would take me to Class 1 of Grade 1 as their homeroom teacher and Chinese language teacher, and I would stand on the podium looking at dozens of smiling faces without any fear. I will introduce myself to my classmates in a grand manner: _My name is Shen Yunwen, and I am your homeroom teacher and Chinese language teacher. You can call me Teacher Shen, but I lack experience. Please give me more guidance._ As soon as the words finish, there will be bursts of enthusiastic applause from the audience. Next, I will also ask them to introduce themselves, and after the introduction, I will talk to them. I have learned about their hobbies, strengths, ideals... I have also met _little book enthusiasts_, _learning pioneers_, _computer experts_, _piano masters_... of course, _tearbags_ and _mischievous bags_ are no exception.

From then on, we were as friendly as a family. I am not biased either, and a group of _mischievous individuals_ are also managed by me. Their academic performance is similar to that of good classmates, and they usually do not score below 90 points. After class, I will play games with them like a big sister. Oh, by the way, I dont know how to assign a lot of homework, which makes them gasp for breath, but I demand good quality. In this way, children will have their own world. Thinking of this, I couldnt help but giggle loudly

If I were a teacher, I would definitely do this!





My ideal job英语作文 第6篇

Ideals are not delusions, nor are they conjectures, nor are they delusions. Ideal is a little bit of starlight, illuminating the road of the future; An ideal is a mountain peak that can only be reached through countless hardships; Ideal is a ship that takes us to the other shore of success; Ideal is a flame that ignites the fire of hope

Since ancient times, many people have striven for their own ideals. Premier Zhou has the ideal of _studying for the rise of China_. He worked hard and finally realized his own ideal, which is the rise of China and standing in the east of the world.

My ideal is to be a peoples teacher. _Teachers are the most common profession, but their profession is noble._. As the ancient poem goes, _Falling red is not a heartless thing, but it can be turned into spring mud to protect the flowers._ The same goes for teachers, who burn themselves and illuminate others like candles. When they retire, their green hair is already white, leaving only two sleeves and a breeze.

During a 40 minute class, the teacher kept talking and writing while standing in the classroom, with chalk and ashes just like their youth slowly disappearing. In December, 365 days a year, day after day, year after year, the teachers voice became hoarse, and his voice was no longer as clear as before. At that time, I really understood the meaning of these words: _Teacher is a diligent gardener, an engineer of the human soul, a spring silkworm, a candle..._.

Now, I hope that when I grow up, I can also become a silently dedicated and outstanding peoples teacher. Teachers lives are ordinary, but their lives support the future of the motherland.

I aspire to be a teacher, but I deeply know that being a teacher is not an easy task. Therefore, in order to achieve my ideal as soon as possible, I will always strive. Every day, I listen attentively to the teachers lectures and carefully complete my homework. In addition, my mother also buys me many extracurricular books and materials. Sometimes when reading, I like to accumulate some beautiful words and sentences, which is beneficial to my writing. I am willing to strive all the time to achieve my long-sought ideals and bloom the flowers of ideals.







My ideal job英语作文 第7篇

My ideal is to become a biologist.

I have loved raising small animals since I was young, catching insects, raising flowers, and growing grass; I also love reading books on natural sciences the most; I have also participated in two biological group activities; There are also two precious animal albums and one carefully crafted plant specimen.

I have been watching TV, movies, books and newspapers since I was young, and I have discovered that there are still many biological mysteries in the world that have not been unraveled; There are many biological resources that have not yet been developed; How precious animals are being hunted and killed.

I aspire to study them, develop them, and protect them, so I aspire to become a biologist.

By 2014, I will be exactly 20 years old, and I will become a young biologist at that time.

I want to travel all over the world, to the bottom of the ocean to uncover the secret of _Devils Fish_; Find out the reason why lemmings commit suicide by throwing themselves into the sea in groups, and so on. I also need to study how to protect the worlds rare birds, animals, and forest resources, solve many problems of ecological imbalance in nature, and make nature better benefit humanity.

In addition, I also need to study an animal stimulant, which can be injected into the delicious yellow river carp to make it grow larger than sharks and catch up with whales. At that time, people could buy many high-quality and affordable fresh fish, and they didnt have to be picky to eat. A fishs meat can make thousands of delicious dishes. If injected with sea cucumbers, bears, swifts, etc., they will grow dozens of times larger than they are now. At that time, wont delicacies from mountains and seas also become a common dish on the average family dining table?

I also want to use hormones to make precious otters grow fat and large. One mink skin can make several coats, making peoples clothes more beautiful and warm.

I also need to cultivate many tropical fruits to grow in the north, so that northerners can often eat coconuts, pineapples, bananas, sugarcane, and so on from the south. We also need to ensure that fruit trees from the north can grow in the south and that people in the south can eat the fruits from the north.










My ideal job英语作文 第8篇

Ideal is good, is happy, is the ideal starting point for success. I think, every student has a beautiful ideal, to ask what is my ideal, I would say: _my ideal is that when a CCTV news_.To ask why I have this ideal, or from the start of life. _CCTV news broadcast_ is our Chinese important news, not only we the people of the whole country, there are many foreigners will see, so the occupation represents the image and language level in china. There is a reason: this work can make our country people's access to the latest news, let us Chinese political connections. In this work the way repay our great motherland mother.

The ideal is behind the efforts of one hundred thousand and difficult challenge. In the future days, I will try my best to learn culture while learning about presided over knowledge, and from the aspects of improving, show ego, challenge higher field. If you want to succeed, must fix its body, like a candle, you want to burn it up, there must be a match, the match is our ideal is a life, in our heart sowed the young; the ideal is a whip, let us work hard; my ideal is that when a CCTV news, it is my life goal.

My ideal job英语作文 第9篇

As a primary school student, we are still underage people. In the depths of our hearts, we all hide our ideals, and have fought for them. So, do you know my ideal?

My dream is to become a teacher in the future.

I have this ideal because I saw in the newspaper that there was a teacher with only ten students. It sounds like everyone may think this teacher is very happy! But the fact is not that, the ten students are very bad: bad minds, bad learning... When teachers are in class, some play with their mobile phones, some quarrel with their deskmates, and even some not only dont listen to the class, but also go to quarrel with the teacher. But this does not discourage teachers, but rather makes them more confident in teaching these students. The teacher made a reward list based on their personality traits, making his classmates so obedient.

Since reading this article, I have been extremely eager to become a teacher. Even if I wont be as good as this teacher, I will also make the greatest effort to achieve my ideal.

My ideal is a teacher, and it will never change. I will strive for my ideal. In my future life, I will definitely work harder to study, enter a good junior high school, enter a good senior high school three years later, and enter a good university in the future. To achieve my ideals.






My ideal job英语作文 第10篇

Dream Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.

I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in , I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my graduating from college, I found a job as a I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge.

I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.

My ideal job英语作文 第11篇

I have many dreams, I want to be a doctor, because I have had this dream since childhood. I often see on TV, there are a group of poor people die because they have no money for medical treatment, and some people lose their precious lives because they have incurable diseases.

I want to study hard, research a kind of medicine that people will never get sick again, I can also save the dead people, I sometimes go to the countryside to cure the poor. As a doctor, I will help patients, what do you think? As a virtuous and friendly doctor, I will serve the poor for free.

My dream is very beautiful, but this dream will not be easy to achieve, to achieve can not rely on saying, to do, so that it will be achieved.




标签: 英语