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发布于 2024-06-15 19:26:49 阅读(3)

我想成为一名警察英语作文 第1篇

Everyone has their own dreams, some imagine Newton becoming a scientist; Some people imagine Leonardo da Vinci becoming a painter; Some people want to become famous writers like Mo Yan... and my dream is to become a singer.

I have loved music since I was young. I remember when I was in the middle class of kindergarten, I fell in love with playing the piano. My mother saw how much I love the piano, so she bought me one and enrolled me in a piano training class. I have been studying very seriously. Once, after finishing a piano class, I immediately practiced playing a piece of music. I played from 2 pm to 7 pm without taking a sip of water or something to eat. In the end, my fingers developed small blisters. At nine oclock in the evening, I was so tired that I climbed onto the bed. That night, I slept soundly and deeply. Now, I have passed the Piano Level 10 exam, which gives me a great sense of achievement.

However, the journey of learning piano is not always smooth sailing. I remember when I was learning the piano level six practice piece, my small hands were not big enough, and I always couldnt play the chords across octaves well. It seemed that no amount of effort could make up for my _innate shortcomings_. At that time, I thought about giving up; Once, I played the _F Major Sonata_ because the speed of the piece was very fast, and my wrist would always shake up and down while playing. No matter how much the teacher urged me, I found it difficult to change my _bad habit_, which also made me feel frustrated... But with my mothers encouragement, I persisted and now I can play any beautiful song I have ever heard on the piano. Whenever I am happy or unhappy, I like to sit by the piano and play a song that expresses my emotions; My mother also said that when she is tired, she likes to lie on the sofa and listen to me play piano music the most.

In order to pursue my dreams step by step, I also enrolled in vocal and street dance training and studied very seriously.

In this world, peoples dreams are so beautiful and grand, but there are very few people who truly realize their dreams. Because achieving dreams requires perseverance and action!






我想成为一名警察英语作文 第2篇

What is ideal? It is the goal of the struggle of life, the motive force for the people to advance, the yearning and pursuit of the future. As the saying goes well, there is a will. We all set our own ideals: doctors, lawyers, businessmen, pilots, scientists, teachers... My ideal is to be a guitarist.

Since the second grade started, since heard ringing and guitar melody, since the band saw BEYOND freely on the stage with a guitar and handsome, I fell in love with the guitar. It can make me intoxicated in music and bring me into a colorful world of notes. It can immerse me in endless illusions and feel the beauty of music. It also enables me to feel the stimulation of music and understand the true meaning of music. Every time I hear the sound of the guitar, every cell of mine will roll up and roll...

I often fantasize: one day, I am standing on the top stage of the world, singing with the most crisp guitar sound and my most resonant voice, listening to everyone in the world, letting them feel good and free. Like _the window of the dream_ _I want to sing the dream to the blue sky and I want to sing the warm singing into the day..._

I will sing to the cold people, let them feel warm, sing to the vulnerable people, and let them go strong; sing to the timid people, give them great courage; I will sing to those who fight against diseases, and give them the power that is unequalled.

Every day, I will have the company of guitar, it has become a good friend of mine. When I fail and encounter setbacks, I never fear, because the ideal of becoming a guitarist always reminds me: _now I am so far away from my ideal, and the road ahead is still bumpy. Come on! Overcome everything with a firm belief.

In order to achieve the ideal, every day I began to be absorbed in the practice, so can you! I also tried to correct the two important shortcomings of impetuosity and impatience. In practice the new guitar tune, not anxious to practice, first to find the corresponding notes and beats to play, or in a complete mess, half! The classical guitar level six I also try to practice the nine tunes, _the legend of Asturias_, _two quartets_ folk dogvane to challenge themselves, their own temper, let oneself become more _powerful_......

_Hard work never give up can change the world Come on change yourself!_ Yes, as long as the efforts, no matter how difficult, must be to achieve their ideal!

我想成为一名警察英语作文 第3篇

The spring silkworms that cocoon and pupae look forward to turning into colorful butterflies in their soft shells; Buds that are about to bloom, imagining a bright future amidst the green leaves. In the process of growing up, as young and youthful individuals, we are determined to rebuild a beautiful tomorrow and dream various dreams, such as the dream of reunion, university, writer, aerospace, and a strong country

And my dream is to become a writer. Perhaps some people will question me, whether I have high literary talent. As a writer, I will use my own articles to support myself. Will anyone read your articles? I will say to those who question me, _No!_ I dont know what I will do in the future, but I will stick to my dream of becoming a writer.

I want to become a writer for a reason.

When I was about to enter third grade, I came to the county. At that time, I didnt know how to write an essay and had no way to start. As a result, I was angry, cried, and made trouble. The teacher always patiently taught me how to write a good essay, and I knew I had to work hard and not let down the teachers help to me! Hard work pays off for those who have a heart. With the help of my teacher and my own efforts, I am able to write a complete article. However, compared to other classmates, my article is simply insignificant. I asked the teacher how to improve the level of the article, and the teacher told me to read, memorize, and write more. I worked hard to follow the teachers instructions, and as expected, my article has greatly improved.

I have read many beautiful articles from many books, which are like a cup of tea that we need to savor with our hearts in order to gain insights. I think writers are great, they can string words into beautiful articles.

A writer is like a teacher. Although he cannot stand on a three foot podium and teach students hand in hand, he can use beautiful articles to educate people and make them understand many truths.

The vast path of life, because of a writers dream, my heart has returned from loneliness and confusion to warmth. How lucky I am, because in a crowded world, I have found words that can save me.








我想成为一名警察英语作文 第4篇

My uncle is a policeman. He is very tall and very strong. He punishes the bad people and protect the good people. He always helps others. He is my hero. When I grow up, I want to be a policeman like my uncle. I want to help people and protect them, so they can live a safe life.


我想成为一名警察英语作文 第5篇

Every little girl will have her dream aboutprince. I always dream of a half-blood prince coming to me, just like the snowwhite and Cinderella in the fairy tale. I hope there will be a prince wearingwhite clothes to ask me to live happy life with him. And in the following days,I really have a happy life. Why I want a half-blood prince not just prince? Ithink half-blood prince would be more handsome. Hehe.


标签: 警察 英语 一名